Willkommen in Tirol Schöne Imagefilm mit Polychromelab Forschung in Hochgebirge
/in adventure, alpine proof, Behind the Scences, mediaKreativität für Frau in der Wirtschaft Interview mit Elisabeth Frey
/in Behind the Scences, Frau in der Wirtschaft, mediaDie Zukunft Alpiner Technologien polychromelab als Vorreiter mit von der Partie
/in alpine proof, alpine tech, Alpine tech, Behind the Scences, mediapolychromelab mit werkstätte wattens beim 4 gamechanger festival alpinetech 10min
/in adventure, alpine proof, Alpine tech, alpine tech, Behind the ScencesInternship Product Development and Design
/in Behind the Scences, Hinter den KulissenInternship in the Alps
Polychromelab advertises for sports-minded interns with experience in product development and design. Escape from the daily routine at universities and get some practice-oriented experience in the Alps.
In the heart of the Alps polychromelab runs a textile manufacture where designer and outdoor apparel is engineered. Situated in one of Europe’s largest ski ressorts on 1.300 meters we use mordern processing techniques. This internship will add practice experience to your theoretical education. Additionally you live where winter sport happens including board and lodging.
Appply for internship in the Alps now: Internship polychromelab Product Development and Design.
Job Ad Product Development and Design
/in Behind the Scences, Hinter den KulissenTomorrow’s Tailoring
Textile manufacturer polychromelab is offering a job in product development and design. Polychromelab is situated in the heart of the Alps in Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis. Here we engineer custom-build outdoor apparel with high quality. At this inspiring workplace we’re looking for reinforcements to our team.
You’re already experienced in product development and design and also have skills in textile processing, editing techniques and tailoring, send us an application. We offer an opportunity to bring in your own creative ideas to engineer tomorrow’s outdoor apparel.
Send us your application now. All details on the job and your duties you’ll find here: Job Ad – Tomorrows Tailoring.
Sewing without Needle and Thread
/in Behind the Scences, Hinter den KulissenWinterjackets – Sewed without Needle and Thread
How do you sew a winterjacket without needle and thread? Polychromelab pursues innovative, visionary product design. Today we present to you our new ultrasonic welding machine.
Apparel manufacturers demand waterproof jackets. To do so they have to consider several things. One of them is the seam of a jacket. But how do you sew two pieces of textile together without making them permeable to water? We do this by using an ultrasonic welding procedure not using any needles and threads at all. This is something what makes a seam more waterproof. Here you’ll learn how the ultrasonic welding procedure works in detail.
We try to establish in our store TexStilKüche in Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis an innovation driven product development. This way we can monitor the research process more carefully. At the moment we are manufacturing in northern Italy. Distances are short and communication is easy, but in Tyrol with product development right at home we will be able to test new ideas faster and design custom-build products.
polychromelab concept storeFounding an Apparel Comany
/in Behind the Scences, Hinter den KulissenFounding in Tyrol – Young Economy
Competing against established apparel companies is difficult. Founding an apparel company is a thing full of risks. As we already described there are many structures in Austria which help young startups to reach a greater audience and get some helpfull advice from the more experienced. Yesterday on the day of women in ecomony hosted by the Young Economy Tyrol (German: Junge Wirtschaft Tirol) we had a chance to do so. After ORF science-buster Werner Gruber we presented reversible jackets by polychromelab. Polychromelab is like exhibit A for women in economy because Elisabeth Frey and Michele Stinco, a woman and a man, are leading the company equally.
At Founder’s Symposium – Coworking Imst
Networking and integration on a local level is of huge importance to young companies. Exactly this was the main topic last week at the Founder’s Symposium of Coworking Imst: the apparel company polychromelab amongst other young companies of the region could present themselves and get to know like-minded.
These were great events to promote polychromelab’s webshop and store. To compete against established giants of the apparel branche this events are the best weapon for startups.
Interview with Wolfgang Langeder – Part 2
/in Behind the Scences, Hinter den KulissenAbout the Way from Inspiration to a Designerjacket
Wolfgang Langeder from the Austrian company Utope is a professional designer, who created the Manta Color Morph Jacket by polychromelab. Last week in part 1 of the interview he talked about his vision of creating a new kind of innovation. This week we dare to take a look deeper inside the designer’s mind.
Maximilian Frey: Why did you use polychromelab’s fabric for the Manta jacket? What did the fabric tell you holding it in your hands the first time?
Wolfgang Langeder: I find this purely functional side of polychromelabs’s fabric very interesting. This fabric is something highly innovative, and basically it is technology that makes the innovation. This agrees very well with my vision for Utope.
„I like the strong connection between polychromelab and nature, and the authenticity that originates right in the life of Lisa and Michele.“
Maximilian Frey: If you like to share your secret with us, were did you get your inspiration? Did polychromelab play a part in your decision?
Wolfgang Langeder: I like the strong connection between polychromelab and nature, and the authenticity that originates right in the life of Lisa and Michele. It was really important to me that the Manta Color Morph Jacket’s design makes a connection to this and smoothly fits in the overall image of polychromelab.
Maximilian Frey: When you look back on designing this piece of art and on the moment you first saw the prototype, did your eyes glow?
Wolfgang Langeder: When you work on a design, you’re really „close“ to the product itself and its details, and you recognise that everything fits together more unconciously. In the final phase then for the first time you have the chance to see the prototype from some distance, and I am glad that the Manta Color Morph Jacket had become such a strong and interesting piece.
Maximilian Frey: Design and fabric, interacting perfectly well. Manta Color Morph embodies the perfection of functionality and elegance. But what should we do with this? Where should we wear this special jacket?
Wolfgang Langeder: I guess that primarily there are situations in the extreme or outdoor range of use when customers wear this jacket. But additionally this jacket is a „style item“, which means that this jacket also could be worn only because of its elegance instead of its functionality.
Maximilian Frey: And what is it that one by any circumstances must not do with the Manta? When would your heart begin to hurt?
Wolfgang Langeder: I am a pragmatist, so I think the purpose of apparel is that it should be worn. Basically everyone should do everything he wants to do with the jacket.
Here you can read the first part of the interview. You can have a look on the Manta Color Morph by Utope and polychromelab here in our webshop. In this post we talked about the Manta Color Morph reversible jacket for women and men.