Schlagwortarchiv für: alpine lab

Alpine Proof: World’s Highest Alpine Lab

Moving to Serfaus Fiss Ladis: World’s Highest Textiles Research Lab

A pile of moving boxes and trunks. The change of scenery takes shape. A change of scenery in the name of innovation. When we first introduced Alpine Proof we located world’s highest textiles research lab at the Glungezer on 2610 meters. This site is unique and extreme, but it isn’t extreme enough for Alpine Proof’s aims: At our new destination Serfaus Fiss Ladis Alpine Proof is able to analyse the interaction of man and textile under strain in alpine regions even better. The goal is to pursue innovation to its very limits to get world’s best textiles.

Part 2: How to Move an Alpine Lab?

To achieve our goals we take on us this extra workload the move means and dismantle Alpine Proof alpine lab at Glungezer and rebuild it in Serfaus Fiss Ladis. This is how it’s done: Weather at Glungezer always was indescribably extreme, one of a kind, majestic, about what it is remembering us on that very day like it’s trying to make our goodbye and move to Serfaus even harder.

And there it was! It’s spring in Tyrol and everywhere snow! It took only one night and suddenly one needs a quad to transport stuff of Alpine Proof alpine lab from 2610 meters into the valley. Thanks again to Gregor from Gufl youth hostel for borrowing us his quad!

After this uphill rollercoaster ride we started packing. This equipment contains a meteo station, batteries for solar panels from Goal Zero, concrete which we initially needed for fixing, cabels, dummies and our ergometer mountainbike which soon is enjoying the view on upper Inntal.

Here’s part one of our moving story of moving to Serfaus Fiss Ladis.

Continue reading our story with part three: the rocky trail of innovation.

Outdoor Funktional Jackets Test – Alpine Proof

Alpine Proof initiates a Functional Jackets Test for Outdoor Extreme

One might could think of some things concerning textile research, but what specifically this work looks like isn’t always well known. Therefore we present a functional jackets test like we run it in our alpine range outdoor laboratory.

Step 1: The Perfect Spot

Weather in polychromelab Alpine Proof textile lab is always freezing, stormy and extreme in winter. Seeing that one unwillingly wants to go outside a mountain lodge, where you can enjoy a majestic view on peaks all around this spot drinking a cup of hot tea. But such days are perfect for testing functional jackets, because over night it will ge cold and windy.

funktionsjacken test hochgebirge funktionalität vergleich

Step 2: What will be tested?

Quivering we run a coldness test. Therefore we perpare two functional jackets made of similar fabrics on dummies. This way we want to detect which fabric performs better at extreme cold. This kind of test are important to improove suitability for coldness in product development processes.

vergleich kälte test funktionsjacken polychromelab

Step 3: Waiting

Soon it’s dark night. Temperatures are low. Sensors we placed inside the functional jackets begin to collect temperature and draught data. But the low point of temperature isn’t reached yet.

funktionsjacken test nacht kälte tirol

Step 4: It’s always wise to bring a sleeping bag

It’s night now. Spotlights make it possible to examine both functional jackets at night. By now temperatures are weigh under 0°C. We’re thrilled to find out which one of these functional fabric responds better to this freezing coldness. Only by running these kind of outdoor tests we can learn what jackets are capable of worn outdoors.

nachtaufnahme funktionsjacken test outdoorjacken im winter

Step 5: Early Bird catches the Worm

Dawn. Night is over and the functional jackets are covered with a thin layer of ice. We start immediately working and sort out measurement data on our laptops. By comparing graphs we can tell which fabric is better and on which places the functional jackets are warmer. This conclusions are worth a mint for product development. This is the only way to improove weak spots of jackets.

auswertung funktionsjacken test was ist besser

If you’re interested in hearing stories of our everyday work in the Alps, visit Alpine Proof’s facebook page!

Have a look on functional jacket Alta Verde, successfull graduate of Alpine Proof extreme-cold-test, in our onlienshop.

Alta Verde Men

Alta Verde Women


TV ORF Newton – outdoor jackets by comparison

TV Show ORF Newton tests: outdoor jackets by comparison

Do you know which jackets are the best outdoor jackets? The TV Show ORF Newton wants to know the same, so they test different outdoor jackets both in the laboratory and outside in nature. A loden jacket, a down jacket and a polychromelab hardshell jacket compete in various stress tests against each other.

Part 1 – ORF Outdoorjackets by comparison: lab-test

Today Part 2 – ORF outdoor jackets by comparison: outdoor-test

ORF Newton Team visits the high altitude laboratory for textiles research polychromelab 2610 at the Glungezer in Tyrol. For two years now our research lab for outside weathering and applied science for textiles and jackets is located there. In the video they’ll tell you more about what we do and how we do it. Enjoy the ORF Newton outdoorjackets by comparison show!

ORF NEWTON Teil 2 PCL2610 from polychromelab on Vimeo.

Corious about what else we do research on? Visit the homepage of our host Glungezer Hütte or, if you need further information about our textiles research in the alpine lab, write us an email to We’re happy to help.

This is the way to the official facebook profile of the alpine lab Tyrol: polychromelab_2610/Facebook

Arising of a Storm – Textiles Research Tyrol

Textiles research Tyrol: a strom over the alpine lab

From 4th to 5th November a seriously heavy storm browsed over Tyrol. At many places the storm destroyed roofes and did a lot of further damage. At the peak of Mount Glungezer nearby Innsbruck the storm was that heavy that a grown man barely could have stayed on his feet. In our high altitude laboratory for textiles research Tyrol we measured wind velocity of 264km/h.

Thanks to our webcams, which are observating the weather situations day and night, we now have a video of the weather constellation at the days before the storm and zero hour. It wasn’t the first time that a heavy storm swept across Tyrol. Here’s the video from our textiles research laboratory Tyrol at the Glungezer:

Heavy Storm 04/05 11 2014 polychromelab 2610 264km/h from polychromelab on Vimeo.

That’s how extreme weather can be in Tyrol. The snow quickly was blown away and even so for our test dummies.

The heavy damage the storm did to our lab for textiles research Tyrol also offers an advantage for us: the measurement data afford us deep insight in the behaviour of textiles and jackets under heavy conditions, so we can improove our work for the future. This exact concept led the German company Heimplanet to us: they’ve tested their tents in our alpine lab polychromelab 2610.

Do you want to witness a storm like this one yourself or just want to go for a nice hike, then visit our textiles research lab at Mount Glungezer. More information about the alpine laboratory for textiles research and our host Glungezer Hütte you’ll find here.

Outdoor-Blog about textile research

Outdoor-Blog Hochbewegt writes about polychromelab’s textile research in Tyrol

And again we’ve found a interesting media posting about polychromelab. Thanks to the outdoor-blog Hochbewegt, which is writing a thrilling report about our textile research in the Tyrolean Alps. You’ll find the full article about applied textile research here.

„The Tyrolean startup company polychromelab tragets placing the outdoor apparel of the future on the market.“

And this is exactly what we stand for. With our outdoor research in our alpine lab polychromelab 2610 we’d like to realise an alpine seal of approval for textiles and apparel in near future. The so called Alpine Proof distinguishes products, which were put to the acid test under real weather conditions in the Tyrolean Alps. The goal to achieve is to install a seal of approval for highly qualitative textiles, which, tested under real conditions, will keep their promisses.

Stay tuned and we’ll tell you all about the progress of our textile research in the Tyrolean Alps.

This is the way to the official textile lab profile on Facebook of polychromelab:

The Cave under snow

After 7 hours of shovelling it was finally done: 5 meters wide, 3 meters deep. Quantities of snow.

We tested the tent The Cave by Heimplanet this winter in our alpine laboratory at the Glungezer, Tyrol this winter. The Cave was exposed to extreme conditions like storm and snow and stood the test. But the heavy snowfalls in spring buried the tent under meters of snow. Only now when snow is melting we could lift the tent.

3 months under masses of snow: The Cave is looking brand new and functioning flawlessly. An extreme test which wasn’t scheduled but brought quality to daylight.

FrozenLAB 2 – cold spell in the alpine laboratory

Our textile laboratory Glungezer is frozen

Hoping our Lab won’t get a cold at these conditions.

We’re testing the Alta Quota and the Roccia Rossa polychrome fabric under all conditions. The Glungezer Hütte in Tyrol offers the best exposition for such quality researches. We’re very happy that we can do this in Tyrol, because it is often windy, summertimes hot and in the winter extremely cold. What else has an outdoor jacket to stand?

If you want to buy a jacket that is tested in the textile laboratory Glungezer, visit our polychromelab concept store.


FrozenLAB 1

16.03.2014  09:00

Unique conditions for testing at the Glungezer.

Extreme Exposition meets fabrics.

Moments one can’t buy.


polychromelab concept store

Stefan Clauss Interview

Stefan Clauss, Heimplanet, is very satisfied by the opportunities of testing at the polychromelab_2610. Read the german article about him:


polychromelab concept store

The Cave

Article from


… das aufblasbare Dreimann-Zelt

THE CAVE trotzt Orkan und hält im polychromelab_2610-Test Windgeschwindigkeiten von bis zu 277 km/h stand.

Die beiden Geschäftsführer Stefan Clauss und Stefan Schulze  Dieckhoff von Heimplanet waren genauso begeistert von den  Testergebnissen wie polychromelab-Gründer und Designer Michele Stinco. Im Test-Center von polychromelab_2610 in den Tuxer Alpen auf dem Glungezer Gipfel in 2.610 Metern Höhe, wurde im Zeitraum zwischen dem 21. und 28. Dezember 2013 getestet, welchen extremen Wetterverhältnissen THE CAVE, das aufblasbare Dreimannzelt von Heimplanet, stand hält. THE CAVE stand noch, nachdem es Windgeschwindigkeiten von 277 Stundenkilometern ausgesetzt war. Da staunte sogar der Hüttenwirt: „Ich habe schon viel gesehen in meinem Leben in den Bergen, aber was dieses Zelt aushält ist toll – jede Zeltstange wäre schon bei 150km/h  Windgeschwindigkeit gebrochen“. Die aufblasbaren Luftkammern von THE CAVE dienen als Rahmen und haben den Vorteil, dass sie bei starkem Wind wesentlich stabiler sind als die Aluminiumstangen gewöhnlicher Zelte.

Auch Michele Stinco, Gründer von polychromelab, Betreiber des Hochgebirgslabors polychromelab_2610 und in diesem Fall Testleiter ist begeistert von THE CAVE: „Was mich sehr beeindruckt hat, ist die Finesse der Detaillösungen und die Tatsache, wie sich das Zelt bei Orkan verhält. Mit einem Zelt dieser Qualität kann man sehr vertrauensvoll im Hochgebirge übernachten, Sommer wie Winter“.

Heimplanet steht für Premiumqualität und verarbeitet ausschließlich besonders strapazierfähige Materialien. Den Rahmen von THE CAVE, das IDG (Inflatable Diamond Grid), bilden 5 doppelwandige Luftkammern aus Polyester und thermoplastischen Polyurethan-Folien (TPU), die auf dem geodätischen Prinzip basieren. Diese Konstruktion, die zum Patent angemeldet wurde, macht das Zelt „THE CAVE“ flexibel und gleichzeitig stabil. An dieser, der Molekularstruktur eines Diamanten  nachempfundenen, aufblasbaren Gitterstruktur sind Innenzelt und Außenzelt eingehängt. Das Zelt wiegt knapp 5 Kilo und ist nach nicht mal 60 Sekunden aufgeblasen und einsatzfähig.

Marken-­ und Unternehmensinformationen zu Heimplanet:
Vor genau drei Jahren, im Januar 2011 stellten die beiden passionierten Surfer,  Freunde und Jungunternehmer Stefan Clauss und Stefan Schulze Dieckhoff aus Hamburg ihr erstes Produkt auf der ISPO brand new vor:
das aufblasbare, geodätische Zelt „THE CAVE“.
Dafür haben sie viel Anerkennung und Aufmerksamkeit  erhalten und  im Oktober 2012 haben sie den Designpreis der  Bundesrepublik in Gold gewonnen.
Die beiden Gründer haben es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die bestmögliche Reiseausrüstung zu entwickeln und dabei die Funktionalität von Outdoor-­Produkten mit einem innovativen Design zu verbinden:
Ein Konzept, das Heimplanet “Outdoor Lifestyle“nennt.
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