Schlagwortarchiv für: Alta Quota Wendejacke

Roccia Rossa Hybrid Jackets and their Rocky Trail

Moving to Serfaus – Fiss – Ladis: Innovative Hybrid Jackets are Breaking Trail

2009 concept, 2010 first prototype, 2011 first awards, 2012 foundation, 2013 first store and webshop, 2014 textiles research Alpine Proof, 2015 first relocation. This is a brief history of polychromelab so far. In part one of our way to Serfaus – Fiss – Ladis we presented our Store Ski Manufacture, in part two we talked about Alpine Proof. In part three we’d like to concentrate on the rocky trail Roccia Rossa hybrid jackets had to break.

Part 3: From Prototype to Flagship

This shouldn’t sound arrogant, we’d only like to point out difficulties innovative startup companies have to hurdle to establish their products on the market – which we luckily managed.

hybridjacken onlineshop trailrun polychromelab

It all started with the concept of a black silver hybrid jacket, that warms one the black side and cools on the silver one. Without financial support we wouldn’t have managed to build the first prototype which is necessary to win awards to convince the critical mass. We took this step with black silver Alta Quota hybrid jackets to win Outdoor Industry Award 2012.

But a concept that may be ever so groundbreaking will not establish on the market without being developed further: so a black silver jacket solely would be a little bit boring for good. So we asked ourselves, is their a chance to transfer this principle of reflection and absorption to different colours? Maybe not to every colour, but within a consistent research process and supported by first incomes we were able to design Roccia Rossa hybrid jackets.

Roccia Rossa hasn’t won ISPO Award 2014 in vain: Nowadays a combination of design and functionality, authenticity and innovation is essential. Roccia Rossa hybrid jackets is adapted to red rocks (thus the Italian name „Roccia“) in Tyrolean alps. Functionality is ideal for outdoor sports. Its design makes this hybrid jackets suitable for every day. As a consequence ISPO Award 2014.

outdoorjacken polychromelab berge innovation serfaus

Now we’re on our way to Serfaus – Fiss – Ladis, where we’ll focus our competences to take the next step. Because in a few years what we achieved until now won’t be enough. This is the rocky trail of innovation.

polychromelab concept store

Continue reading with part 4: new Alpine Proof in Serfaus.

Inventor of Trend Jacket Alta Quota

Michele Stinco becomes ISPO Brandnew Jury Member

For 15 years now Michele Stinco is collecting professional experience as designer and extreme athlete at testing outdoor gear. In 2010 he started the project polychrome hybrid jacket, which was able to win various awards in the branch, like the ISPO Brandnew Award for innovation and setting new trends in apparel sector. In 2015 Michele Stinco was nominated for jury member of ISPO Brandnew Award 2015: more about it on the official site of ISPO Munich.

From Trend Jacket Alta Quota to experienced CEO of a Startup

In 2010 project polychrome hybrid jacket started with a first concept. It took long time to create out of a prototype an ultimate trend jacket, which cools on side and warms on the other. Here you can read more about what the american trend blog Cool Hunting is writing on polychromelab Alta Quota jacket.

Getting some financial support and winning awards startup polychromelab ltd. was founded in 2012. By now trend jacket Alta Quota isn’t the only product available no more: you can buy different reversible jackets for men and women, accessories like shoulder bags or cell phone cases or a reversible ski overall in the polychromelab Webshop online.

polychromelab concept store

Stay tuned, next week we’ll post or resumee of ISPO Brandnew Award 2015 in this blog. Meanwhile you can join the discussion at #ispobrandnew on Twitter. Or follow Michele Stinco on Google+.

Outdoor summer 2014 with polychromelab – part 2

A reversible jacket to rule them all

Did you miss the first part of our outdoor summer review 2014? No problem, you can read the full article here: Outdoor Summer Part 1. Today we continue with the story of polychromelab in a nature, in which a reversible jacket is needed, to be prepared for everything.

Good to hear that the OEAV recommends polychromelab jackets. On the picture you can see Gerald Aichner on a cycling tour through Greece.

oeav gerald aichner fahrrad jacke outdoor

For our alpine research lab polychromelab 2610 at the Glungezer in Tyrol we have bought a mountainbike to test performance in high altitude.

bike cycling reversible jacket tyrol

You won’t believe it, but this picture is taken in June. Michele Stinco is trailrunning on snow. Luckily a polychromelab reversible jacket has a cooling and a warming side. Simply reverse!

trailrunning tyrol summer with reversible jacket

Conclusively we want to thank everybody who had helped to win the Eurobike Award 2014 for our reversible cycling jacket in collaboration with Pedaled.

wendejacke fahrradjacke pedaled polychromelab eurobike award

An exciting summer comes to an end. If you want your friends to know about the story of polychromelab, share the pictures on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Thanks 🙂

Shepherd Matthias Aichner Alta Quota Summer – Part 2

2013 – Matthias Aichner is on the alpine shieling for months now.  Secludedly he spends every day outside in nature. The first part of his story you can read here: shepherd Matthias Aichner part 2.

Outside with a mountain jacket

Matthias uses the possibility to go hiking on the near mountains. As a change from tending cattles he goes mountaineering with the Alta Quota mountain jacket. During the exhausting way up the silver side on the outside of the jacket reflects uv rays of the sun to cool body temperature down. He feels noticeably cooler and is still protected from wind and weather.

On top of the mountain Matthias simply reverses the outdoor jacket to the black side. On his way down the body regenerates and temperature decreases. The black side of the jacket absorps uv rays of the sun and this way the reversible jacket warms noticeably the user.

Relaxing on an alpine shieling

Protected from wind and weather this good Matthias arrives safely on the alpine shieling. Outside in the nature of the tyrolean alps he acknowledges a qualitative product. After this hard day he enjoys the last sunshine of the day lying on the pasture.

The story of the Alta Quota shepherd summer 2014 by Thomas Quarta is available here. If you want to buy an Alta Quota mountain jacket to enjoy nature the same way as Matthias, then visit our polychromelab concept store.

Hirte wählt Allwetterjacke von polychromelab

Der Ursprung

Thomas Quarta sitzt im Wald auf einer Bank und schaut ins Inntal. Thomas Quarta ist Hirte und sehr naturverbunden. Die Zigarette im Mund beschließt er kurzerhand einen Sommer auszusteigen. Er bewirbt sich als Kuh-Hirte auf einer Alm in der Schweiz für den Sommer 2014. Alles Was er braucht ist Verpflegung, Zigaretten und natürlich eine gute Jacke.

Die Natur-Jacke

Thomas Quarta ist als naturverbundener und umweltbewusster Mensch natürlich auch eine umweltfreundliche Jacke wichtig. Er wird auf die polychromelab Jacken aufmerksam, da die umweltfreundlichen Stoffe für jedes Wetter geeignet sind. Das letztjährige Projekt von Matthias Aichner, der ebenfalls als Hirte einen Sommer lang die Alta Quota Outdoorjacke zufrieden verwendet hat, inspiriert Thomas Quarta dieses Jahr.

Die ersten Wochen

Die ersten Wochen auf der Alm sind natürlich total cool. Der Hirte Thomas Quarta treibt die Kühe auf die Alm und zündet sich erstmal eine Zigarette an. Ganz entspannt sieht er den nächsten Wochen entgegen. Auch wenn’s mal regnet…

Wenn du mehr über die Alta Quota erfahren willst, dann klicke hier.

Alta Quota Bonita Skiing-jacket


I’ve bought the jacket spontaneously in January 2014, after I’ve seen a film on ZDF about this reversible jacket. The Alta Quota is really great. I’ve worn the jacket in the end of January /beginning of Febuary in Whistler, Canada. This way the heli-skiing made quite more fun.

Cheers, Bonita from Whistler

Here is the show about polychromeLAB on ZDF:

Auf dem dach Europas Documentary ZDF Jacket 02.01.2013

polychromelab concept store

Alta Quota Peter Treuz

This is Peter Treuz from South Tyrol having a lot of fun with his polychromelab ALTA QUOTA reversible jacket.


polychromelab concept store



today we did a new line – we called the line sphinx -big rappel in 3000 meter in windy conditions. good testing conditions smooth run. michele