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Heute habe ich den ISPO Brand New Award Outdoor 2012 gewonnen. Echt schöne Preiszeremonie.

ISPO Brandnew Award

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Du wirst alle Informationen darüber finden, warum polychromelab in der Sportswear Kategorie des ISPO Brandnew Award gewonnen hat.

Nominierung für Outdoor Apparel ISPO Award 2012

Hier gibt’s die Mail der ISPO 2012 an polychromelab


Dear Polychrome lab team,

On Thursday, 12th January 2012 the jury meeting of the 1st ISPO AWARD was held at the
ICM in Munich. The international jury (journalists, retailers, athletes and designers from nine countries) went through 262 applications, reviewed, discussed, tested and argued. It was very tough and competitive.

Based on the criteria innovation, design and performance, they finally selected 63 products as winners and nominees.
We are more than happy to be able to inform you that your product, Polychromelab 3layer Jacket, was selected as:

Nominee in Outdoor Apparel 2012

January 23rd 2012 onward – All winners and nominees will be released to the public on the ISPO AWARD website and in press releases.

January 30th 2012 – The overall winners, who are selected from the winners of each category, will be announced at the ISPO AWARD Ceremony.

ISPO AWARD Ceremony – 17:00 in hall A6, at the Snow Ice & Rock Summit at ISPO MUNICH Trade Show.

January 31st, 2012 – The overall winners will be posted online at

polychromelab IPSO Brandnew Gewinner 2012

Für hottest Brand Sportswear Outdoor ausgezeichnet

Und ein zweites Mal, Gratulation für die Auszeichnung ISPO Brandnew Gewinner. Wir freuen uns über Ihre Einreichung und sehen uns im Januar auf der ISPO.

Outdoor Industry Award 2011 für polychromelab

Die Outdoor Industry Award Jacke von polychromelab

Schau dir die Outdoor Industry Award Jacke von polychromelab an. Wir sind sehr glücklich darüber den renommierten Award für unsere Wendejacke zu bekommen. Hoffentlich wird dies uns den Weg für neue Innovationen und Preise ebnen.

polychromelab concept store