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Enjoy Skiing while testing new Winter Jackets

One should really buy Winter Jackets for these Moments

After all this years of skiing in the Alps I am still impressed by the mountains: when I was a student I always got up at 4 in the morning to drive with some friends from Germany to Tyrol to be the first one on the slopes. Then as a snowboarder. By now I am testing as sports designer in the Tyrolean Alps for 15 years.

Skiing still means a lot to me. But this time, when I was under way with Elisabeth, atmosphere was breathtaking. Weather was really good, nobody was around, only fresh powder and a lot of fun. Testing new gray green winter jackets by polychromelab at deep snow skiing was big fun. To enjoy these moments one should choose well and buy winter jackets of high quality. Otherwise one couldn’t enjoy freeride skiing without freezing.

In our Onlineshop you can buy winter jackets that are proven scientifically and applied inTyrol. Have a look on it in our polychromelab concept store!

Greetings from Tyrol,

Michele Stinco

Bilder zum Jacken-Test Glungezer

Outdoor Jacke in der Natur am Glungezer getestet

Der Glungezer liegt in der Nähe von Hall in Tirol und ist daher perfekt für das Textilforschungs-Hochgebirgslabor von polychromelab. Am Glungezer herschen aufgrund einmaliger Lage Wetterverhältnisse wie im Himalaya. Am Glungezer Jacke zu testen, ist hilfreich für die Produktentwicklung. Die Methode der Freibewitterung simuliert Tragestunden einer Jacke in der Natur.

Polychromelab hat sich dazu entschieden Produkte nicht am Schreibtisch hinter verschlossenen Fenstern zu entwickeln, sondern angewandte Forschung zu betreiben und Textilien unter Realbedingungen zu entwerfen. Denn draußen in der Natur bekommt man direkt ein Feedback, was eine Outdoorjacke wirklich aushalten muss. Darum werden polychromelab Produkte vom Moment der Idee an immer auch in der Tiroler Natur in den Bergen getestet.

Eine richtige Bergjacke: getestet am Glungezer

Eine wahre Bergjacke wird natürlich auch in den Bergen entwickelt. Das Testlabor am Glungezer macht es uns möglich, Jacken wissenschaftlich unter realen Wetterbedingungen zu testen. Im alpinen Hochgebirgslabor am Glungezer sammeln wir Wetterdaten und Leistungsdaten der Produkte und können auf diese Weise später garantieren, dass eine Glungezer Jacke auch hält, was sie verspricht.

Willst du eine echte am Glungezer getestete Jacke kaufen, dann schau in den polychromelab concept store. Oder schau dir den ZDF Fernsehbericht Auf dem Dach Europas über polychromelab und den Glungezer hier an.


since July 2013 the Alta Quota jacket is available in our eshop. But now we have to say: „Goodbye, Alta“ – because soon the Roccia Rossa is out!

follow us, because there are more stories to tell.

polychromelab concept store

Overwintering at polychromelab 2610

quality research: at polychromelab_2610.


polychromelab concept store


Polychromelab 2610 Today

this is today view of the working dummies

enjoy the pics



polychromelab concept store


The Shepherd Summer with Matthias Aichner

this is matthias aichner he works as a shepherd this summer and he is a unique ambassador for us at the italian border.
a job humble and exposed to heavy conditions.
aswell this way to be is part of the philosophy of polychromelab.
see our mission statement:

polychromelab comes from the Austrian region of Tyrol, because it is only here that we find the ideal conditions to continue developing and optimising polychromelab still further. And: because we love Tyrol.
more to come


polychromelab concept store

Working day at polychromelab 2610

workingimpression yesterday 13062013 way to polychromelab 2610 observatory – too much snow to go without skies – not enough snow to ski well – mhh but good weather – more to come



greets michele


Nösslachjoch down to Wipptal

the day after our trip to munich was really laid back – we went for a easy tour end enjoyed the nice view. michele