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Lifestyle Startup on Forbes Austria

Magazine Forbes Austria about Lifestyle Startup polychromelab

The economics magazine Forbes Austria writes about lifestyle startup polychromelab. In April’s edition of this well-known magazine the situation of austrian startups is a key subject. Austrian apparel retailer polychromelab with its innovative 3-layer-laminate reversible jacket is under top 20 of Austria’s startups.

Forbes Austria gives an overview about the situation of young startups on Austria’s market. The key problem for startups in Austria is the fact that 90% of newly founded companies go out of business in the first two years. The problematic shortcomings are: Budget, Stradegy and Marketing. Despite great innovations which could revolutionize the market, startups have to sell their ideas or crash. The result is an enormous potential lying waste.

More information on these difficulties you’ll find in April’s edition of Forbes Austria. Get the whole polychromelab story in our blog and onlineshop. Obviously we’re happy about surviving the first two years as a lifestyle startup, but we share AWS impulse’s oppinion of stronger financial support for Austrian startups.

polychromelab concept store