Schlagwortarchiv für: Hochgebirgslabor

Outdoor Funktional Jackets Test – Alpine Proof

Alpine Proof initiates a Functional Jackets Test for Outdoor Extreme

One might could think of some things concerning textile research, but what specifically this work looks like isn’t always well known. Therefore we present a functional jackets test like we run it in our alpine range outdoor laboratory.

Step 1: The Perfect Spot

Weather in polychromelab Alpine Proof textile lab is always freezing, stormy and extreme in winter. Seeing that one unwillingly wants to go outside a mountain lodge, where you can enjoy a majestic view on peaks all around this spot drinking a cup of hot tea. But such days are perfect for testing functional jackets, because over night it will ge cold and windy.

funktionsjacken test hochgebirge funktionalität vergleich

Step 2: What will be tested?

Quivering we run a coldness test. Therefore we perpare two functional jackets made of similar fabrics on dummies. This way we want to detect which fabric performs better at extreme cold. This kind of test are important to improove suitability for coldness in product development processes.

vergleich kälte test funktionsjacken polychromelab

Step 3: Waiting

Soon it’s dark night. Temperatures are low. Sensors we placed inside the functional jackets begin to collect temperature and draught data. But the low point of temperature isn’t reached yet.

funktionsjacken test nacht kälte tirol

Step 4: It’s always wise to bring a sleeping bag

It’s night now. Spotlights make it possible to examine both functional jackets at night. By now temperatures are weigh under 0°C. We’re thrilled to find out which one of these functional fabric responds better to this freezing coldness. Only by running these kind of outdoor tests we can learn what jackets are capable of worn outdoors.

nachtaufnahme funktionsjacken test outdoorjacken im winter

Step 5: Early Bird catches the Worm

Dawn. Night is over and the functional jackets are covered with a thin layer of ice. We start immediately working and sort out measurement data on our laptops. By comparing graphs we can tell which fabric is better and on which places the functional jackets are warmer. This conclusions are worth a mint for product development. This is the only way to improove weak spots of jackets.

auswertung funktionsjacken test was ist besser

If you’re interested in hearing stories of our everyday work in the Alps, visit Alpine Proof’s facebook page!

Have a look on functional jacket Alta Verde, successfull graduate of Alpine Proof extreme-cold-test, in our onlienshop.

Alta Verde Men

Alta Verde Women


High-Tech Jackets tested in extreme Outdoor Tests

Do high-tech Jackets keep their Promises?

Nowadays high-tech jackets have to stand up against nearly everything: they should be waterproof, windproof, stretchy, sturdy, hard-wearing, warming. light and looking good. Additionally one has to add to each one of these functions an attribute like “extremely, 100%, highly, maximum, optimal” to tag a high-tech jacket.  Producers make many promises, but most outdoor jackets have to work for the first time, when the customer allready has bought the jacket and is wearing it in the mountains. If a jacket shouldn’t be a 100% waterproof then, one’s smitten.

Therefore the inventor of polychromelab reversible jackets, Michele Stinco, had the idea to test jackets under extreme alpine conditions, before it is available on the market.


High-tech Jackets tested in Tyrol

This is, how an original polychromelab-jacket-extreme-test looks like in practise:

Firstly, fabrics get spaned on wooden boards. Installing sensors we detect whether the fabric is suitable for outdoor use or not.

If the fabric is ready for manufacture, we design a reversible jacket. This prototype then is worn by dummies in our alpine laboratory at the Glungezer in Tyrol. Again we install sensors. Additionally we prepare a webcam to watch the jackets day and night for some months. Here you’ll find out what kind of weather high-tech jackets have to stand in our textiles research laboratory.

Then we evaluate the collected data. This way we’re able to detect waterproofness, windproofness and breathability by the means of temperature curves, humidity measurements and so on. By visual examination we can see, if outdoor jackets have been damaged by wind and weather or at seams and skirts.

If the prototype passes this test, we send it to the textile laboratory at the University of Innsbruck, where elasticity, scrub resistance and colour intensity get scientifically proven.

But there is one last test in our polychromelab 2610 alpine lab for the prototypes: the high-tech jackets get proven at applied extreme sports tests, like trailrunning, skiing, climbing and so on. Only this way one can proof what outdoor jackets have to be suitable for.


Alpine Proof – the Future of Outdoor Gear

Prospectively the project Alpine Proof will create an alpine seal of approval for outdoor gear to award high-tech jackets, which passed tests consiting of a combination of applied and scientific examination.

A true high-tech jacket doesn’t leave somebody out in the rain alone, but protects against wind and weather like a friend. High-tech jackets by polychromelab are available in our online shop.

polychromelab concept store


ZDF documentary about jackets and textiles

ZDF shooting team visits alpine laboratory for jackets and textiles

The ZDF shooting team visits the alpine laboratory for jackets and textiles on Mount Glungezer in Tyrol in December 2013. There the tyrolean manufacturer of jackets and textiles, polychromelab, runs the highest research station for applied textile research.

Here some impressions of the ZDF documentary about the Alps of January 2014.

ZDF documentary about polychromelab jackets from polychromelab on Youtube

We’re really happy about beeing a part of a documentary about the development of the region of the Alps.If you want to know more about the jackets, which were presentated in the ZDF documentary, visit our online shop and learn about our scientifically proven outdoor jackets.

polychromelab concept store

You may be interested in:

ORF 1 Newton does the ultimate Outdoor Jackets Test – Part 1

ORF 2 Newton visits alpine lab polychromelab 2610 – Part 2

Arising of a Storm – Textiles Research Tyrol

Textiles research Tyrol: a strom over the alpine lab

From 4th to 5th November a seriously heavy storm browsed over Tyrol. At many places the storm destroyed roofes and did a lot of further damage. At the peak of Mount Glungezer nearby Innsbruck the storm was that heavy that a grown man barely could have stayed on his feet. In our high altitude laboratory for textiles research Tyrol we measured wind velocity of 264km/h.

Thanks to our webcams, which are observating the weather situations day and night, we now have a video of the weather constellation at the days before the storm and zero hour. It wasn’t the first time that a heavy storm swept across Tyrol. Here’s the video from our textiles research laboratory Tyrol at the Glungezer:

Heavy Storm 04/05 11 2014 polychromelab 2610 264km/h from polychromelab on Vimeo.

That’s how extreme weather can be in Tyrol. The snow quickly was blown away and even so for our test dummies.

The heavy damage the storm did to our lab for textiles research Tyrol also offers an advantage for us: the measurement data afford us deep insight in the behaviour of textiles and jackets under heavy conditions, so we can improove our work for the future. This exact concept led the German company Heimplanet to us: they’ve tested their tents in our alpine lab polychromelab 2610.

Do you want to witness a storm like this one yourself or just want to go for a nice hike, then visit our textiles research lab at Mount Glungezer. More information about the alpine laboratory for textiles research and our host Glungezer Hütte you’ll find here.

Outdoor-Blog about textile research

Outdoor-Blog Hochbewegt writes about polychromelab’s textile research in Tyrol

And again we’ve found a interesting media posting about polychromelab. Thanks to the outdoor-blog Hochbewegt, which is writing a thrilling report about our textile research in the Tyrolean Alps. You’ll find the full article about applied textile research here.

“The Tyrolean startup company polychromelab tragets placing the outdoor apparel of the future on the market.”

And this is exactly what we stand for. With our outdoor research in our alpine lab polychromelab 2610 we’d like to realise an alpine seal of approval for textiles and apparel in near future. The so called Alpine Proof distinguishes products, which were put to the acid test under real weather conditions in the Tyrolean Alps. The goal to achieve is to install a seal of approval for highly qualitative textiles, which, tested under real conditions, will keep their promisses.

Stay tuned and we’ll tell you all about the progress of our textile research in the Tyrolean Alps.

This is the way to the official textile lab profile on Facebook of polychromelab:

Outdoor summer 2014 with polychromelab – part 2

A reversible jacket to rule them all

Did you miss the first part of our outdoor summer review 2014? No problem, you can read the full article here: Outdoor Summer Part 1. Today we continue with the story of polychromelab in a nature, in which a reversible jacket is needed, to be prepared for everything.

Good to hear that the OEAV recommends polychromelab jackets. On the picture you can see Gerald Aichner on a cycling tour through Greece.

oeav gerald aichner fahrrad jacke outdoor

For our alpine research lab polychromelab 2610 at the Glungezer in Tyrol we have bought a mountainbike to test performance in high altitude.

bike cycling reversible jacket tyrol

You won’t believe it, but this picture is taken in June. Michele Stinco is trailrunning on snow. Luckily a polychromelab reversible jacket has a cooling and a warming side. Simply reverse!

trailrunning tyrol summer with reversible jacket

Conclusively we want to thank everybody who had helped to win the Eurobike Award 2014 for our reversible cycling jacket in collaboration with Pedaled.

wendejacke fahrradjacke pedaled polychromelab eurobike award

An exciting summer comes to an end. If you want your friends to know about the story of polychromelab, share the pictures on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Thanks 🙂

Bilder zum Jacken-Test Glungezer

Outdoor Jacke in der Natur am Glungezer getestet

Der Glungezer liegt in der Nähe von Hall in Tirol und ist daher perfekt für das Textilforschungs-Hochgebirgslabor von polychromelab. Am Glungezer herschen aufgrund einmaliger Lage Wetterverhältnisse wie im Himalaya. Am Glungezer Jacke zu testen, ist hilfreich für die Produktentwicklung. Die Methode der Freibewitterung simuliert Tragestunden einer Jacke in der Natur.

Polychromelab hat sich dazu entschieden Produkte nicht am Schreibtisch hinter verschlossenen Fenstern zu entwickeln, sondern angewandte Forschung zu betreiben und Textilien unter Realbedingungen zu entwerfen. Denn draußen in der Natur bekommt man direkt ein Feedback, was eine Outdoorjacke wirklich aushalten muss. Darum werden polychromelab Produkte vom Moment der Idee an immer auch in der Tiroler Natur in den Bergen getestet.

Eine richtige Bergjacke: getestet am Glungezer

Eine wahre Bergjacke wird natürlich auch in den Bergen entwickelt. Das Testlabor am Glungezer macht es uns möglich, Jacken wissenschaftlich unter realen Wetterbedingungen zu testen. Im alpinen Hochgebirgslabor am Glungezer sammeln wir Wetterdaten und Leistungsdaten der Produkte und können auf diese Weise später garantieren, dass eine Glungezer Jacke auch hält, was sie verspricht.

Willst du eine echte am Glungezer getestete Jacke kaufen, dann schau in den polychromelab concept store. Oder schau dir den ZDF Fernsehbericht Auf dem Dach Europas über polychromelab und den Glungezer hier an.

Sport+Mode interviews Michele Stinco

The journal SpoMo Sport+Mode has heard from polychromelab because of the innovative way of product development. In the interview with Michele Stinco Viktoria Will presents the story of polychromelab and its alpine scientific research laboratory on the Glungezer in Tyrol.

Read the full interview in SpoMo Sport+Mode: Sport+Mode SpoMo Interview Michele Stinco polychromelab

Workingday with Heli

To upgrade the Glungezer Hütte and our Textile-Laboratory we had to transport the required material with a heli this year. Watch the short video, how we work under sunshine in the tyrolean alps.

polychromelab 2610 heli working day von michele stinco auf Vimeo.