Schlagwortarchiv für: Malbun

Time to Start Hiking

Hiking in Malbun

It’s getting foggy, soon it will start to rain. You can feel a refreshing breeze of nature in the air. Deciding to go hiking was the right choice.

Malbun, Liechtenstein. It’s two hours of hiking from Malbun to the Austrian border. Far-off from cities in between of rocks, small valleys and cow pastures in a magnificent cirque. In the morning sometimes it is hard to get up and put on hiking shoes. But you will get the reward only a few hours later.

Our hiking tour led us through cow pastures, high up in the Alps of Liechtenstein. The cows are observing every one who finds the way up here. It is clear who is the host and who is the guest.

All day you will meet just a few people. The starting rain drives the last ones away, which stayed here this long. But the waiting was worth it. The minutes right before it starts raining are the best. The lighting conditions are changing. It’s incredible how clear colours and contrasts become.

The fist raindrops. We put on our hiking jackets. You will regret waiting this long for the stunning view only a few minutes. But it won’t last long. Nature shows facettes in the rain which you won’t see this often. It’s truly beautiful.

outdoor wanderung liechtenstein manta

Photo Credit: Johannes Vith

On this hiking tour from Malbun to the Austrian border we have wear Manta designer jacket. This outdoor aproved hiking jacket is available in our onlineshop.