Schlagwortarchiv für: Marcel Hirscher

The ISPO Brandnew 2015 Magazine

This is how a Workingday of the Jury of ISPO Brandnew 2015 looks like

„They have all been in exactly the same situation: a panel observed their product, their brand and decided that they can present themselves at ISPO Munich as one of the best startups of the sports business. Now they had the same task. Almost all the ISPO Brandnew jury members were founding members of former ISPO Brandnew winners and finalists. From their own experiences they know exactly what is of importance. Here they tell us about their highlights and impressions.“ISPO Brandnew 2015 Magazine

Designer Michele Stinco (winner 2012) was a jury member of ISPO Brandnew 2015 too: „I believe that true innovation solely starts in small pieces. Craftsmanship and imagination are the base for groundbreaking inventions and good design of the present and past.“

Here you’ll learn about how a day as a jury member of ISPO Brandnew 2015 award is like. Besides, Brandnew Magazine has written a story of success about polychromelab from 2012 til today. So have a look on it and get to know the work of jury members of ISPO Brandnew:

ISPO Brandnew 2015 Jury and Story of polychromelab

Here is ISPO ontour’s video of the impressions at the ISPO Brandnew award jury meeting: this is what the other members say about this prestigious award for startups.


If you want the read more of Brandnew Magazine, here you can read about polychromelab / Schoeffel-project and learn about what gear alpine racing skiers Marcel Hirscher and Anna Fenninger are wearing: polychromelab goes racing

ISPO Brandnew Story – polychromelab goes Racing

ISPO Brandnew Award Magazine 2015 – polychromelab goes Racing

Polychromelab’s Designer Michele Stinco was nominated for jury member of ISPO Brandnew Award 2015. His expertise is based on long year experience as product designer. This is one reason for making him jury member of Brandnew Award 2015. For polychromelab winning this prestigious award for startups in 2012 already is the other reason.

On this occasion ISPO Brandnew Award Magzine presents polychromelab in a story of success. The magazine was especially convinced by polychromelabs’s effort to engineer innovative products. In collaboration with Schoeffel a reversible winteroverall for Skiteam Austria was designed, that will help ski racers at warmup, training and racecourse inspections.

The complete article in german and english about polychromelab goes Racing you’ll find here in ISPO Brandnew Award Magazine 2015: polychromelab goes Racing

Complete magazine is available as an iPad download here for free.

Further information and statement of ski racer Niki Hosp about collaboration between Schoeffel, ÖSV and polychromelab you’ll find here.

polychromelab concept store


Marcel Hirscher wearing new Ski Jacket

Marcel Hirscher likes Schöffel polychromelab Ski Jacket

Marcel Hirscher, three times Alpine Ski Racing overall worldcup’s winner and double world champion in Schladming, Austria 2013, wears a high-tech ski jacket, which was designed by Schoeffel and OESV Racing in collaboration. Passion for science and sport research caused this cooperation using polychromelab’s high-tech reversible fabric for the new Warmup Suit.

This high-tech ski jacket is conceptualized as a reversible overall, that warms on black at warmup or rest and, when reversed, cools on bronze at sports or great sun radiation. Schoeffel and OESV Racing one-piece Warmup Downhill Suit will help skiing athletes to need less gear and to achieve greater successes in Alpine Ski Racing world cup.

In the end of 2014 OESV skiing athletes have worn this reversible ski jacket in world cup the first time. Today we’d like to show you, how Marcel Hirscher celebrates New Year in his new skiing jacket.

How much Marcel Hirscher likes his ski overall, you’ll find out on his facebook page: Marcel-Hirscher/Facebook

If you’d like to have an ingenious reversible ski jacket by polychromelab, visit our jackets webshop.