Schlagwortarchiv für: ORF 1

Outdoorjackets Test on ORF Newton

ORF Newton does an outdoorjackets test

This time ORF Newton decided to test outdoorjackets by comparison. Many producers claim adjectives like waterproof or extreme warming for their jackets. ORF Newton is going to ascertain, whether this is true or not, in a comparing outdoorjackets test.

In some warmth, coldness and rain tests three different jackets will be tested to detect their outdoor usability. One loden jacket, one down jacket and the polychromelab Alta Quota outdoorjacket compete in the ultimative test. What are the outdoorjackets capable of? How comfortable are the different products actually while wearing under extreme conditions?

ORF Newton is going to ascertain advantages and disadvantages of outdoorjackets in only ten minutes. Enjoy this interesting report!

ORF Newton outdoorjackets test from polychromelab on Youtube.

Well, what can I say? All jackets have advantages and disadvantages, but only one outdoorjacket is able to warm, when it’s cold, and cool, when it’s hot. The polychromelab Alta Quota ORF jacket is available in polychromelab concept store.

But ORF Newton doen’t believe lab’s test results, so they visit polychromelab’s Alpine Proof outdoor textiles research laboratory to test outdoor jackets for men and women under real weather conditions to investigate whether an outdoor jacket is truely high-tech or not. Here’s part two of ORF Newton’s outdoorjackets test with polychromelab.

More interesting reports about the topic outdoorjackets and applied science at the high altitude laboratory for textiles you’ll find here: