Schlagwortarchiv für: photo galery

Winter 2015 Photocontest on Facebook

Winter isn’t over yet! Photocontest on Facebook

Winter isn’t over yet and that’s why polychromelab hosts a photocontest on its facebook-fanpage with the best, most beautiful, most authentic, funniest, … photos of winter 2015 on facebook.

This is how it works:

Upload your own photo of winter 2015 on our fanpage (you’ll find the link below) and collect the most likes until April 10th at 10pm. The best three photos will win a polychromelab winter flipneck worth 50,00€. But the best thing is that the winning photo will gain honor and glory becoming polychromelab’s cover photo on facebook!

So get started! We’re looking foward to see your winter 2015 photo in our photocontest, because the more that join, the more fun it is. By the way, you also can visit the photo galery to like the other photos, without competing in the raffle.

Visit our facebook-fanpage here and upload your snapshot:

Note: this photocontest is only available in Italy, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Next photocontest will be available worldwide.

A small hint:

It’s possible to upload more than one photo to maximize your winning chances. Additionally, you could share your uploaded photo in your timeline to collect votes of your friends 😉

We wish you a lot of fun and here are photos of the contest up to now!

Enjoy Skiing while testing new Winter Jackets

One should really buy Winter Jackets for these Moments

After all this years of skiing in the Alps I am still impressed by the mountains: when I was a student I always got up at 4 in the morning to drive with some friends from Germany to Tyrol to be the first one on the slopes. Then as a snowboarder. By now I am testing as sports designer in the Tyrolean Alps for 15 years.

Skiing still means a lot to me. But this time, when I was under way with Elisabeth, atmosphere was breathtaking. Weather was really good, nobody was around, only fresh powder and a lot of fun. Testing new gray green winter jackets by polychromelab at deep snow skiing was big fun. To enjoy these moments one should choose well and buy winter jackets of high quality. Otherwise one couldn’t enjoy freeride skiing without freezing.

In our Onlineshop you can buy winter jackets that are proven scientifically and applied inTyrol. Have a look on it in our polychromelab concept store!

Greetings from Tyrol,

Michele Stinco

Alta Quota goes Hawaii

We’re very suprised when two customers sent us pictures showing two happy faces and the Alta Quota outdoor jacket in Hawaii. Both are wearing the jacket at Manua Kea on 4205 meters. The jacket worked as good as promised and we were happy about making a holiday even better with the Alta Quota.