Schlagwortarchiv für: polychromelab 2610

Arbeitstag oben im Labor

Heute haben wir die Dummies fertig aufgestellt und befestigt. Anfangs war das Wetter sehr schlecht, aber oben fanden wir eine interessante Atmosphäre vor.


Working day Alps at -21°

Working day Alps: textile research in extreme coldness

We work hard for the money – 1500 verts, 25kg myself ,15 kg lisa’s load – fixing dummies with foam – weather forecast was bad – down with a real good fresh minus 21 powder. Our dog Carlotta was dressed best!!! This is how a working day Alps look like.

glungezer polychromelab2610 first steps

setup up day glungezer polychromelab2610. here the first pics where we will be min. one day a week winter and summer to work scientifically on new stuff and putting a deep view on existing things thanks to oeav hall gerald aichner and gottfried wieser. the next week we will do the material transports to bring up all the things we need. find more pics inside michele