Schlagwortarchiv für: polychromelab shepherd summer

A shepherd needs a fall jacket

Thomas Quarta wears the Alta Quota fall jacket on an alpine shieling

The shepherd Thomas Quarta is already 120 days alone on an alpine shieling in Switzerland. Not all alone, because there are some cattles – and of course his first choice for a jacket: The Alta Quota Outdoorjacket for men.

If you haven’t read the first part of his adventure on the alpine shieling yet, then click here.

Thomas Quarta looks slightly tired after 120 days alone and the bad weather in summer 2014. Fortunately he has chosen the ecofriendly fall jacket from polychromelab, when he planed what he wants to take with him on the alpine shieling. All summer long he won’t go into the valley and he has little luggage with him too. Because of that he decided to take a jacket, that responds to every weather situation.

The loneliness in the mountains

On the alpine shieling a lot of work is to do. He has to care for the cattles, to take them to feeding locations and to protect them. As a shepherd he is outside all day long and when he comes home in the evening, he even has to cook something, only having spare ingredients.

If Thomas Quarta has done well in the loneliness of the Alps, you’ll now soon. If you want to know more about the all-weather-jacket, visit our webshop polychromelab concept store.