Schlagwortarchiv für: press

AWS impulse about polychromelab

The Austria Wirtschafts Service AWS writes an article about polychromelab. In the AWS impulse industry magazine 2014 a short overview about our allready 4 years lasting cooperation between the startup polychromelab and the AWS will be presentated. As we can see now, the sponsorships have done a great job. Read the full article in AWS impulse:

IMPULSE creativ industry magazine 2014

FAZ about Porsche Design Jacket

Newspaper writes about Porsche Design Jacke

Read the german article in FAZ about the Porsche Design Jacket made of polychromelab’s fabric, that cools, warms and fits perfectly well.

It’s a sign of true quality, when a top class brand like Porsche Design uses the polychromelab reversible jacket to design a high-end sports jacket. More information on the collaboration between Porsche Design and polychromelab you find here: Porsche-Design-Jacket

polychromelab concept store


Coming up soon: the FAST DONNA Running / Lifestyle Jacket for Ladies.

Spoteo writes about polychromelab’s latest invention, an ultra-light reversible jacket for women that fits perfectly well considering all conditions. Read more about it at–Die-neueste-Wendejacke-von-polychromelab-speziell-fuer-Laeuferinnen.html


polychromelab concept store

Spoteo about Outdoor Jackets Webshop

Sports Magazine Spoteo writes about polychromelab’s Outdoor Jackets Webshop

Here’s the press release on sports magazone Spoteo about polychromelab’s Alta Quota outdoor jacket. This reversible jacket is available in polychromelab’s outdoor jackets webshop: press release spoteo – outdoor jackets

This innovative alpine outdoor jacket has won the German Design Award 2013 and stands for material and fabric innovation. Made of a 3 layer laminate this high-tech outdoor jacket is capable of all test mother earths will bear on you. In this press release you’ll find all information on this latest fabric trend and polychromelab’s outdoor jackets webshop, which will open on 31st of May 2013.

If you want to have a look on the Alta Quota alpine jacket in our webshop, here you’ll find men’s jacket and here women’s jacket.

polychromelab concept store

Hallerblatt Newspaper Article polychromelab

Austrian Newspaper Hallerblatt writes about Historic Store polychromelab

We’re in our new store for a couple of weeks now and were very surprised by journalists of the Austrian newspaper Hallerblatt to stop by. We talked about our new store and the research lab at mount Glungezer. We’re aiming for qualitative combination of scientifically proven product development and international retail.

More about the story in this german article in Hallerblatt:

Link to newspaper article about polychromelab in Hallerblatt

For further information on our products visit our polychromelab concept store.

zeitungsartikel polychromelab haller blatt hall in tirol


interesting clip with a few cool brands and projects. michele


link to polychromelab archive





please have a look on the german article in Der Standard:




interesting clip – this is a real view on the job. michele


please find the complete german clip in the download area