Schlagwortarchiv für: TYROL

Exploring Innovation

Innovation in the Alps

Winter is icecold. Competion isn’t in hibernation. Fortunately our strength is the freezing cold. Exploring innovation polychromelab moved to Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis. Here we prepare our jackets for the iciness in two ways.

In the Alpine Proof Outdoor Lab on 2000 meters we’re sometimes feeling like the next ice age is coming up. We have state-of-the-art testing dummies for proofing our products against the freezing cold. This is innovation in the Alps. Read more on this in the post “Icy Innovation“.

winterjacken polychromelab innovation serfaus-fiss-ladis

Up against wind and weather, heat and cold, high UV radiation and frost isn’t enough for our approval. Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis offers a wide playground. On ski tours we’re testing our winterjackets for stretchability, at free ride skiing for insulation, at climbing for sturdiness and in town for lifestyle suitability. The team of Blog Tyrol shows what you can experience up here in 24 hours.

Innovation is our advantage. Against competition from large companies we proof polychromelab’s jackets for outdoor suitability like you really need it in the Alps.

Sewing without Needle and Thread

Winterjackets – Sewed without Needle and Thread

How do you sew a winterjacket without needle and thread? Polychromelab pursues innovative, visionary product design. Today we present to you our new ultrasonic welding machine.

Apparel manufacturers demand waterproof jackets. To do so they have to consider several things. One of them is the seam of a jacket. But how do you sew two pieces of textile together without making them permeable to water? We do this by using an ultrasonic welding procedure not using any needles and threads at all. This is something what makes a seam more waterproof. Here you’ll learn how the ultrasonic welding procedure works in detail.

wasserdichte jacken schweissen tirol produktion

We try to establish in our store TexStilKüche in Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis an innovation driven product development. This way we can monitor the research process more carefully. At the moment we are manufacturing in northern Italy. Distances are short and communication is easy, but in Tyrol with product development right at home we will be able to test new ideas faster and design custom-build products.

polychromelab concept store

Founding an Apparel Comany

Founding in Tyrol – Young Economy

Competing against established apparel companies is difficult. Founding an apparel company is a thing full of risks. As we already described there are many structures in Austria which help young startups to reach a greater audience and get some helpfull advice from the more experienced. Yesterday on the day of women in ecomony hosted by the Young Economy Tyrol (German: Junge Wirtschaft Tirol) we had a chance to do so. After ORF science-buster Werner Gruber we presented reversible jackets by polychromelab. Polychromelab is like exhibit A for women in economy because Elisabeth Frey and Michele Stinco, a woman and a man, are leading the company equally.

At Founder’s Symposium – Coworking Imst

Networking and integration on a local level is of huge importance to young companies. Exactly this was the main topic last week at the Founder’s Symposium of Coworking Imst: the apparel company polychromelab amongst other young companies of the region could present themselves and get to know like-minded.

These were great events to promote polychromelab’s webshop and store. To compete against established giants of the apparel branche this events are the best weapon for startups.

Tyrol Future Day 2016

Starting into Tyrol’s Future Day 2016

We last were on an exhibition some time ago, so we were really excited to be part of Tyrol’s strategic Future Day 2016. Innovative companies from Tyrol and groundbreaking research projects from Tyrol’s academic schools were in the centre of attention at this event. Here’s the video “Leading by Research and Development” with some impressions from Tyrol’s Future Day 2016.

Video Innovation Day from Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung on Youtube

Leading by Research and Development

Being a part of this ensamble of economy and research comes naturally to us. Since the founding of polychromelab we followed a two track strategy: Design, manufacturing and sale via polychromelab’s online shop and store in Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis on the one hand, empirical research and structured product development in the Alpine Proof Outdoor Lab on the other hand. Unfortunately, as it is in modern times, one has less time to make one’s statement and this is why customers often get our two track strategy. So we were very happy about the fact that there was plenty of time and interest on Tyrol’s Future Day at Congress Igls to present our mission for the future of polychromelab (and apparel).

Here are some impressions of Future Day 2016. Photocredit: Land Tirol / Berger.

Further information on this event you’ll find in this German article by Land Tirol here.

Startups from Tyrol capture the world

Tiroler Tageszeitunng about Startup polychromelab

A few days ago the Austrian newspaper Tiroler Tageszeitung published an article about chances for startups from Tyrol to become more famous. In this context they mentioned polychromelab as an example – which makes us very proud. Here’s the article about startups from Tyrol:

startups aus tirol polychromelab tiroler tageszeitung

Chances for Startups from Tyrol to Become Famous

This article inspired us to compose a short list of which programmes were most helpful for polychromelab as a startup company from Tyrol:

Let’s start with the startup show 2 Minutes 2 Millions on channel Puls 4. Polychromelab hasn’t gained financial support from this TV show, but we learned one or two things. It was the first time of a broader public appearence on television, so we learned how to present key elements of the company. Anyway, Puls 4 made a great image video for us.

In Austria there is financial support from AWS for small business as well. Startups from Tyrol could apply themselves and with some luck and a solid performance they gain financial support for their label. More about polychromelab’s experiences with AWS here.

On local scale the Tyrolean Innovation Award was the most exciting one. There were various categories, in which startups from Tyrol compete against each other. On the day of the price-giving ceremony of Tyrolean Innovation Award 2014 in Innsbruck the presentation of image videos of the participating startups impressed us most.

In conclusion, there are many opportunities and chances, many challenges, a startup must stick to its guns, but in the end there is the chance that you become the prime example out of startups from Tyrol to be presented at Standortlounge in Vienna. More on this here.

startups aus tirol standortlounge wien polychromelab

Standort Lounge Vienna with polychromelab

Tyrol Takes Industry 4.0 into the Mountains at Standort Lounge

Early in october polychromelab was invited to Standort Lounge in Vienna together with a project for snow technologies to present its research project Alpine Proof as an example for innovation and regional support for competences. It was a great experience to visit Vienna once again explaining the own work to an interested audience.

For this event the Standortagentur Tirol made a short movie about Alpine Proof. Some weeks ago they visited us in the outdoor lab on Schönjoch on 2436 meters in Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis. The movie looks pretty good and explains plainly all facets of our alpine work on high altitude. You’ll find the movie by Standortagentur Tirol at: Alpine Proof Outdoor Lab.

Here are some impressions from the shooting in late summer this year:

We’d like to give a compliment to the hosts for this modern and innovative ambiente matching the presented projects from Tyrol. All information on Standort Lounge Vienna you’ll find on the website of Standortagentur Tirol here.

polychromelab concept store

Store Ski Manufacture: Our First Jackets Shop

Moving to Serfaus Fiss Ladis: Jackets Shop Ski Manufacture in Hall in Tyrol

After two great years we’re leaving the jackets shop in Hall in Tyrol and move to Sefaus Fiss Ladis. Here we find a site combining alpine textiles research Alpine Proof near the place we’re living and working. Samnaun-Silvretta mountains offer unlimited possibilities for taking jackets from polychromelab by continious tests to the next level. Thinking of all the new chances we don’t want to forget about the happy and particular important memories of our stay at Hall in Tyrol and Glungezer.

Part 1: Reviving Ski Manufacture

Back in the days smallest ski manufacturer of the world was situated in the historic part of Hall in Tyrol. The spirit of these original, handmade Vielhaber-skis is still alive. Jackets retailer polychromelab worked in an unique atmosphere: Tyrol offers its beautiful nature and mountains, polychromelab combines this idea with innovation and urbanity.

We had many guests over in our Store Ski Manufacture and met some inspiring personalities. Having a brief chat with the inventors, soaking in the spirit and wearing the product during a walk around the block and feel immediately function and style, many stopped by and got to know polychromelab’s functioning principle.

It all started after a long time of rest with a great house warming party in the former Vielhaber-Ski Manufacture. At the same time we opened our online shop, we invited friends and fans to the opening of our first jackets shop to have a grill burger and drink with us.

polychromelab store ski manufacture hall

In the next two years some great events took place like the visit of ZDF’s filmteam. They had a look on both the glungezer lab and our store in Hall in Tyrol to get to know where we work. Here’s the full video from ZDF.

But this wasn’t the only film made in this historic jackets shop: Filmteam Fancytreefriends shot the image video of polychromelab for Tyrol’s Innovation Award 2014 starring alpine jackets by polychromelab. Here’s a picture from the set.


After this great time spent we always think of our first jackets shop with positive feelings, but we’re also happy to take the next step to Serfaus Fiss Ladis.

Here’s the jackets shop’s contact area.

Read part 2: Moving an Alpine Lab of way to Serfaus Fiss Ladis.

Enjoy Skiing while testing new Winter Jackets

One should really buy Winter Jackets for these Moments

After all this years of skiing in the Alps I am still impressed by the mountains: when I was a student I always got up at 4 in the morning to drive with some friends from Germany to Tyrol to be the first one on the slopes. Then as a snowboarder. By now I am testing as sports designer in the Tyrolean Alps for 15 years.

Skiing still means a lot to me. But this time, when I was under way with Elisabeth, atmosphere was breathtaking. Weather was really good, nobody was around, only fresh powder and a lot of fun. Testing new gray green winter jackets by polychromelab at deep snow skiing was big fun. To enjoy these moments one should choose well and buy winter jackets of high quality. Otherwise one couldn’t enjoy freeride skiing without freezing.

In our Onlineshop you can buy winter jackets that are proven scientifically and applied inTyrol. Have a look on it in our polychromelab concept store!

Greetings from Tyrol,

Michele Stinco

Sonja’s Bags Studio sews Accessories

Sonja’s Bags Studio engineers polychromelab Accessories

Sonja Zipperer carries a nice business called Sonja’s Taschen Atelier. The assoziations that come with the word bags studio don’t decieve: Sonja’s Bags Studio stands for quality and authenticity. It’s a true handwork, how bags, scarfs and decoration is engineered and manufactured in this sewing room in Tyrol.

This is why we’re so proud of having Sonja’s Bags Studio as a partner: since fall 2014 this Tyrolean sewing room designs polychromelab’s shoulder bags, cell phone cases and flipnecks out of our unique 3-layer-laminate in true handwork. All accessories Sonja Zipperer manufactures for us are reversible. This means they’re two-coloured and therefore wearable to every outfit – guaranteeing quality and functionality on both sides!

Accessories in polychromelab Webshop – handmade

Here’s a small overview about the accessories, which Sonja’s Bags Studio sews for us. Of course, all products are available in our webshop.

A functional scarf as perfect winter sports accessory: polychromelab Flipneck black / silver worth 50,00€

Shopper Shoulder Bag for men and women in black / silver or blue / bronze worth 70,00€

Stretchable Designer Cell Phone Cases for all smartphones in black / silver or blue / bronze worth 20,00€

All products are handmade guaranteeing quality from Tyrol. Buy these accessories in our webshop.

Blog about Freeride in Tyrol

Blog Tirol interviews polychromelab about Freeride in Tyrol

Blog Tirol interviews Elisabeth Frey and designer Michele Stinco from polychromelab about their work at the Glungezer and Freeride in Tyrol. Both Elisabeth Frey and Michele Stinco are passionate athletes, especially in winter when freeride skiing is possible. Mount Glungezer is a tradtional, small ski region in Tyrol, which offers outstanding freeride conditions and slopes. Here one can “experience nature originally”, it is one of the best places for freeride in Tyrol.

Here you can read the german article about polychromelab and freeride on Blog Tirol. Thanks for this great post!

If you like articles from Blog Tirol, you can follow them here:  Tyrol on Google+

And finally some impressions of a working day at mount Glungezer including an after work freeride skiing downhill. Enjoy the pictures!