Schlagwortarchiv für: WirtschaftsBlatt

News about Innovation Startup in textiles sector

Small companies sustain innovation

The austrian newspaper Wirtschaftsblatt Österreich writes about the story of founding of the Tyrolean startup polychromelab. To go into business yourself and found a company means a huge risk to everybody, who decides to do so. Especially the first five years are the hardest. One has to learn a lot about it and to be flexible. And above all in Austria one has to bring along innovation. Innovation makes products unique and only innovative, unique products stand a chance to come out on top.

„In the USA they know that small companies sustain innovation.“ – Christoph Holz, visualyze GmbH

Polychromelab is a small company and for that we are very proud about this article in the WirtschaftsBlatt. Here you find the article about the innovation startup polychromelabGründer-würden-es-wieder-tun.

More about the topic innovation in the textile sector you’ll get here: Alpbach-Forum-Alpine-Proof. The idea behind Alpine Proof is to realise an alpine seal of approval for outdoor gear, that labels qualitive products, which are tested in the Tyrolean Alps.

polychromelab concept store

Photo Credit: Florian Rainer