Schlagwortarchiv für: Alta Quota Outdoorjacke

Waterproof Outdoor Jackets

How Do You Make Outdoor Jackets Waterproof?

Why should anybody buy an outdoor jacket that isn’t waterproof? Outdoor means to be up against wind and weather. So it is essentially that a jacket is waterproof.

As a step toward a fully high-quality product development in our own home in Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis we bought a hot air machine for seamtaping. The goal of seamtaping is to waterproof the overlap of two pieces of fabric, just like a duct tape. This is of huge importance to us: Because only a jacket with waterproof fabric and waterproof seams is suitable for outdoor activities.

Using our new hot air machine for seamtaping offers two advantages: On the hand we are able to fully waterproof outdoor jackets (up to 30.000mm). On the other hand this procedure is ecologically sustainable. We don’t need any chemicals to make the seam waterproof. Our seamtape fits without any glue.

If you got interested in buying one of our home-made waterproof outdoor jackets, have a look in polychromelab concept store.

polychromelab handgemachte wasserdichte outdoorjacken

The Snowstorm and the Jacket

Wearing Outdoor Jackets the Right Way on a Skitour

Marc is an outdoor sportsman. He searches for sports experiences all year long and doesn’t want to get sick. So he aims for wearing outdoor jackets the right way. He loves extreme conditions and that’s why he’s happy about heavy snowfalls around Easter to go skiing: in about a few minutes he looks up his destination, equips his skis with skins and starts the car.

There Marc notices that snowfalls are getting stronger and temperatures are sinking. Because of effort on the way up he chooses to wear a baselayer and a polychromelab Alta Quota 3 layer jacket on the cooling silver side. Marc won’t freeze this way, because at his skitour to the top the jacket keeps his body warmth inside the jacket despite high breathability of the inner layer membrane. The result is that on one hand Marc doesn’t have to sweat and on the other doesn’t become hypothermic.

After all his efforts he doesn’t get rewarded at the peak: the snowstorm gets heavier and heavier and he decides to wait for a clear sky. Marc easily reverses his Alta Quota jacket to warming black side and additionally puts an a fleece jacket underneath it. But weather won’t get better and his body emits a lot of warmth. So he’s happy about choosing three different layers of gear and making comfortably some pictures.

Half an hour or so later there is still no silver lining. Marc doesn’t care and goes downhill skiing in a snowstorm wearing outdoor jackets the right way this day.

polychromelab concept store


outdoorjacken tragen winter skifahren

Thomas Rottenberg about recommended Outdoor Jackets

Newspaper Article about recommended Outdoor Jackets

Thomas Rottenberg writes for various blogs and amongst others for the Austrian newspaper Der Standard. The passionate outdoor sports journalist presents every week some outdoor gadgets, which are essential for sports, fun and all other outdoor activities. On February 1st 2015 he gave his feedback about Alta Quota outdoor jacket by polychromelab.

„I admit: I don’t want to return this jacket.“

This is how Thomas Rottenberg introduces his article about recommended outdoor jackets. In this review he talks about, what jackets manufacturers promise and what outdoor jackets are capable of in the end. However, for a jackets manufacturer it is difficult to inform customers about the capabilities of their jackets the right way. So it is really helpful when an experienced journalist spontaneously does this job: in his feedback Thomas Rottenberg gives a statement about recommended outdoor jackets and compares our product information with his experiences with wearing the Alta Quota outdoor jacket on a skitour in Davos.

Here you can read the full review in Der Standard: Thomas-Rottenberg-outdoor-with-Alta-Quota-polychromelab

And if you want to know more about his skitour, here you will be convinced to buy a hightech outdoor jacket: Gute-Energie-Jacket-that-warms-cools-impresses

polychromelab concept store


TV ORF Newton – outdoor jackets by comparison

TV Show ORF Newton tests: outdoor jackets by comparison

Do you know which jackets are the best outdoor jackets? The TV Show ORF Newton wants to know the same, so they test different outdoor jackets both in the laboratory and outside in nature. A loden jacket, a down jacket and a polychromelab hardshell jacket compete in various stress tests against each other.

Part 1 – ORF Outdoorjackets by comparison: lab-test

Today Part 2 – ORF outdoor jackets by comparison: outdoor-test

ORF Newton Team visits the high altitude laboratory for textiles research polychromelab 2610 at the Glungezer in Tyrol. For two years now our research lab for outside weathering and applied science for textiles and jackets is located there. In the video they’ll tell you more about what we do and how we do it. Enjoy the ORF Newton outdoorjackets by comparison show!

ORF NEWTON Teil 2 PCL2610 from polychromelab on Vimeo.

Corious about what else we do research on? Visit the homepage of our host Glungezer Hütte or, if you need further information about our textiles research in the alpine lab, write us an email to We’re happy to help.

This is the way to the official facebook profile of the alpine lab Tyrol: polychromelab_2610/Facebook

Lechtal-Blog about our hiking jacket

Happy customers write about experiences with hiking jacket

It is always great to get a feedback, but this report makes us especially happy: Two contented customers honored us with a report on their website and tell about their experiences with the polychromelab Alta Quota reversible jacket, which they use as an ideal hiking jacket.

„That at a trek through the Alps requests good equipment is natural. Hopefully – everybody immediatedly thinks about appropriate shoes and protective gear is also well known prompt. But a suitable jacket is often a problem: Warm! Waterproof! Light! Windproof! Strechtable! A lot of demands that exclude itselves sometimes.“

But apparently our light 3layer fabric synthesises this contrary demands. If you are curious about it now, what happy customers can tell about an outdoor jacket for men and women, then read about the review here: report-experience-with-hiking-jacket.

Conclusively, here is an Outdoor picture, how the Alta Quota hiking jacket looks like, worn outside in nature.

polychromelab concept store

Alta Quota reversible jacket – Johanna

Customer about reversible jacket – greetings from Tyrol

We are always very glad about a feedback about our jackets from customers, especially when such a great picture is added on like this time. Johanna Frühwirth from Zams, Tyrol, appears to be happy with her reversible jacket by polychromelab. Here are the lines which she has written to us:

Dear polychromelab-Team,

…in the mountains one maybe can do without shoes, but no one can do without a reversible jacket from polychromelab!

I’m contented with the jacket and won’t go outside without it anymore.

Greetings from Tyrol,

Johanna Frühwirth

We want to thank Johanna for her nice compliment and the wonderfull photo. If you are interested in an Alta Quota reversible jacket coloured black silver, then visit our polychromelab concept store. Finally the picture of the mountain tour in Tyrol.



Outdoor Sommer 2014 mit polychromelab – Teil 1

Draußen mit einer Outdoorjacke von polychromelab

Der Sommer ist nun langsam vorüber und der Herbst klopft an die Tür. Obwohl der Sommer nicht so richtig in die Gänge gekommen ist, können wir einiges erzählen. Hier ein paar Rückblicke über diesen Frühling und Sommer.

Alles begann sehr nass, doch dank unserer umweltfreundlicher Beschichtung von HeiQ Barrier sind unsere Outdoorjacken wasserdicht ohne giftige PFCs.

outdoorjacke umweltfreundlich wasserdicht

Die ersten Sonnenstrahlen wurden dann gleich beim Bouldern ausgenutzt. Draußen mit der Roccia Rossa Designjacke.

bouldern roccia rossa outdoorjacke

Im späten Frühling gab es dann einige extreme Trailruns von Michele Stinco und Elisabeth Frey.

trailrunning outdoor jacket

Johannes Rohm flüchtet vor dem kalten Wetter in Mitteleuropa ins kalte Norwegen, um in atemberaubender Umgebung Ski zu fahren.

Dass die Alta Quota Wendejacke perfekt für Reisen rund um die Welt ist, teilen uns glückliche Kunden aus ihrem Urlaub in Hawaii auf dem Manu Kea mit.

alta quota trav

Bleib dran, denn unsere Sommerrevue geht bald weiter. Ganz wichtig, teilt die Bilder auf Facebook, Twitter, Google+ und Pinterest, damit eure Freunde auch von den Vorteilen hochwertiger, fairer Produkte erfahren. Danke 🙂

Bilder zum Jacken-Test Glungezer

Outdoor Jacke in der Natur am Glungezer getestet

Der Glungezer liegt in der Nähe von Hall in Tirol und ist daher perfekt für das Textilforschungs-Hochgebirgslabor von polychromelab. Am Glungezer herschen aufgrund einmaliger Lage Wetterverhältnisse wie im Himalaya. Am Glungezer Jacke zu testen, ist hilfreich für die Produktentwicklung. Die Methode der Freibewitterung simuliert Tragestunden einer Jacke in der Natur.

Polychromelab hat sich dazu entschieden Produkte nicht am Schreibtisch hinter verschlossenen Fenstern zu entwickeln, sondern angewandte Forschung zu betreiben und Textilien unter Realbedingungen zu entwerfen. Denn draußen in der Natur bekommt man direkt ein Feedback, was eine Outdoorjacke wirklich aushalten muss. Darum werden polychromelab Produkte vom Moment der Idee an immer auch in der Tiroler Natur in den Bergen getestet.

Eine richtige Bergjacke: getestet am Glungezer

Eine wahre Bergjacke wird natürlich auch in den Bergen entwickelt. Das Testlabor am Glungezer macht es uns möglich, Jacken wissenschaftlich unter realen Wetterbedingungen zu testen. Im alpinen Hochgebirgslabor am Glungezer sammeln wir Wetterdaten und Leistungsdaten der Produkte und können auf diese Weise später garantieren, dass eine Glungezer Jacke auch hält, was sie verspricht.

Willst du eine echte am Glungezer getestete Jacke kaufen, dann schau in den polychromelab concept store. Oder schau dir den ZDF Fernsehbericht Auf dem Dach Europas über polychromelab und den Glungezer hier an.

Johannes Rohm mit der Alta Quota Outdoorjacke in Norwegen

Ein Land voller Abwechslung – mit unberührter Natur und atemberaubenden Landschaften – Norwegen.

Johannes Rohm reiste mit eine Alta Quota Outdoorjacke einmal durch Norwegen. Er besuchte idyllische Dörfer, fuhr Ski auf nahezu unberührten Gletschern und genoss die spektakulären Sonnenuntergänge und Wetterlagen. Immer draußen, immer für alles gewappnet sein und immer Spaß haben. Eine Outdoorjacke, auf die Verlass ist, macht das möglich, denn nur polychromelab kühlt, wenn’s warm ist, und wärmt, wenn’s kalt ist, und ist gegen Wind und Wasser resistent.

Johannes Rohm kann die Alta Quota empfehlen. Erhältlich hier polychromelab concept store.

Buy Polychrome Jacket Pieps

Collaboration with Pieps: Buy polychrome Jacket Online

Pieps Safety Systems are specialised for rescue in case of avalanches. This mountain equipment manufacturer is offering an allround equipment to go safe and protected hiking, mountaineering or skiing. Therefore one needs additional to a avalanche safety system a highend polychrome jacket. Jackets made of the unique reversible polychrome fabric are windproof, waterproof, stretchable and highly breathable. So this Pieps polychrome jacket is the right choice of mountain gear.

Pieps has designed a reversible jacket with polychrome 3 layer fabric. This is their product trailer:

In collaboration between polychromelab and Pieps the first version of a polychrome reversible jacket is on the market. This is the way to buy polychrome jacket by Pieps online.

In our webshop you can find new polychrome outdoor jackets by polychromelab for men and women in colour combinations blue-bronze, black-silver or grey-green.

polychromelab concept store