Textiles innovative – textile research in new dimensions

Sports and Textiles, Research and Innovation: Tyrol innovative

Michael Hasler and Werner Nachbauer take the textiles research in Tyrol to the next level. The regions Tyrol and Vorarlberg support research projects, which investigate the synergy of textiles and man to produce gear of the future. In near future all programms will be coordinated under the name Alpine Proof.

Interesting research projects are cooperating in Tyrol and Vorarlberg. The concept from polychromelab contains to realise an alpine seal of approval to award scientifically and applied proven sports gear. Alpine Proof stands for quality, sustainability, progress and innovation and especially for products optimated for application.

More in the german article Das Netzwerk sportlicher Textilien by Ernst Spreng:

35-37_Innovation in Tirol_1410 Textilforschung Alpine Proof

More about the topic you’ll find on the homepage of the Tyrolean Innovation Day 2014 here.

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